Silver Sisters Around The World

by Adelina
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How a strong and supportive community of women is growing all over the planet.

When I decided to stop dyeing my hair, little did I know that a whole new world would open up.

No…literally…the WORLD opened up!! 

It all started locally when my dear Silver Sister Nina @naturally_graysful introduced me to the silver community and suddenly, I was communicating with women from all over the world, in all walks of life, right from my phone or laptop.

They are from UK, Russia, France, India, and various other countries. We chat and message each other as if we were right next door, and the one thing we have in common is our gray hair transition journey. 

We are in various stages of transition, showing our silvers off, and cheering each other on post after gorgeous post chronicling each phase: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

It is a strong, supportive, and growing Silver Sister community of women all over the planet. 

We find one another on social media in ways that were not possible before. 

Many of us are forging real friendships through these connections, even traveling and meeting up with one another, bonding over silver hair journeys and sharing rich life experiences.

Marina and Karen founders of @silversistersinternational had a Silver Convention and Extravaganza planned in California this past summer that was only hampered by the pandemic. I can only imagine what that would have been like with all of the fabulous ladies descending upon California. I know they are planning big things for the future when life is back to normal.

The exponential growth and presence of the silver community,  and the virus lockdowns have brought us even closer together with more time available to keep up with each others lives online. We all check in daily to see new posts, challenges, outfits and goings on with our sisters from far and wide.

Silver haired ladies are making their presence known in bold, beautiful, and fabulous ways. Many women like myself, are empty nesters, and have found our second wind, and even second careers just from making a decision to ditch the dye. It has opened up a whole new world of opportunity and promise for a demographic that has been long neglected or seen as irrelevant. We are changing that narrative one post at a time, one new business at a time, empowering this demographic and bringing gray hair to the forefront.

Others are young and gray and are choosing to define beauty in their own terms shirking societal expectations, and forging their own path of accepting their natural beauty. (Stay tuned for a post about the fabulous young and gray ladies!)

Click through to see some of your Silver Sisters from around the world. Give them a follow!

It’s a wonderful time to be alive! Technology has made this possible.

No matter what part of the globe you are from, all can attest to the amazing inner and outer transformations that take place from a seemingly simple decision to ditch the dye. The once camera-shy are finding themselves doing crazy dances on video, posting photos constantly, doing hair tutorials, and all sorts of things they wouldn’t dream of doing in their former lives. Seeking attention much???

You Bet!

It’s a universal freeing…freedom from dye equals freeing one’s spirit. I see the new sparkle in their eyes in each before and after photo. I see a new tilt of the head and new confidence evident when those beautiful silvers start sparkling. Some of us are unrecognizable from our former selves and that’s a wonderful thing!

We have a special connection and we are bound together by the silver…

This is just a small sample of lovely Silver Sisters from all over the world. I’m sure this is the first of many posts featuring lovelies from all over the world. You might find yourself here soon!!!

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